Fostering Motor Skills Development in Autistic Children

Fostering Motor Skills Development in Autistic Children

Motor skills development is a key aspect of a child’s overall growth, contributing to their independence, confidence, and ability to engage with the world around them. For children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), however, acquiring and refining motor skills...
Why is play important?

Why is play important?

Why Is Play Important for Children?   Play is a crucial aspect of a child’s development, it helps them to learn, explore, and make sense of their environment. Exploring the power of play is crucial for their overall well-being as well as empowering them to be...


Play can promote creativity while helping children develop imagination, as well as physical, cognitive and emotional strength. In addition, as children develop new skills during play, they build the confidence and resiliency they will need to face future challenges....

A Parent-Friendly Intro to the Wonders of ESDM Therapy

A Parent-Friendly Intro to the Wonders of ESDM Therapy ESDM is an acronym that stands for the Early Start Denver Model and is developed by Dr Sally Rogers, a clinical psychologist and researcher at the University of California-Davis MIND Institute. ESDM is effective...